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Steven Frank, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionDr. Steven FrankProfessor and Extension Specialist Call Dr. Steven Email Dr. Steven Entomology & Plant Pathology
NC State Extension, NC State University
Larvae of the larger elm leaf beetle. Photo: Gerald J. Lenhard, Louiana State Univ,

Larger Elm Leaf Beetle

Elms have lots of pests. This week I have had several reports of larger elm leaf beetles, Monocesta coryli, …

Beech blight aphids (Grylloprociphilus imbricator) on a beech twig. Photo:SD Frank

Beech Blight Aphids

You might notice twigs on beech trees covered in a woolly sleeve. Get closer and it will begin to …

Oak lace bug adults, nymphs, and eggs on the underside of an oak leaf. Photo: SD Frank

Oak Lace Bug Damage

Oak lace bugs (Corythucha arcuata), like other lace bugs, cause stippling on leaves. Oak lace bugs, of course, feed …