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Animal Agriculture

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Recent Publications related to Animal Agriculture

2024 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual

This manual, updated every year, covers pesticide use and safety information, chemical application equipment, fertilizer …

4 days ago
Schematic of lab analysis and chemical constituents of forages

Forage Quality: Concepts and Practices

In this publication, we describe the factors that affect forage quality and discuss prediction indices …

4 days ago
Figure 1. Rotary wing UAV in flight.

Precision Agriculture Technology: How to Become a Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Pilot

This publication discusses flying unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, model aircraft) for commercial purposes. You'll learn …

4 days ago
Graph showing accumulation of 12 kinds of forage plants throughout the year in North Carolina.

Overview of Forages and Forage Utilization for Pasture-Based Livestock Systems in North Carolina

This publication is an overview of forage species and their use in livestock production systems …

2 weeks ago
A breeding season from December to February can reduce the impact of fescue toxicosis on reproduction.

Implementing a Defined Breeding Season to Optimize Herd Management and Improve Profitability in Beef Cattle

This publication helps beef producers, farm workers, and Extension agents transition beef cattle operations from …

Two black and white mottled chickens nesting in straw

Keeping Garden Chickens in North Carolina

A guide for urban residents who want to raise backyard chickens. Includes information about breed …


Registering a Pet Food Business in North Carolina

Starting a pet food business is much more involved than making food or treats and …

Limited Liability Companies: Steps in Formation

This Factsheet discusses the steps in forming an LLC in North Carolina for your farm.