David Orr
Extension Specialist and Associate Professor Entomology & Plant Pathologydavid_orr@ncsu.eduNC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
Job Description My extension activities include interact with small farm owners, organic growers, Master Gardeners, and others to extend information about biological control, or the use of beneficial insects in pest management. I maintain the a website (http://www4.ncsu.edu/~dorr/) and blog (http://www.beneficialbugblog.blogspot.com/) to help deliver this information. For my teaching responsibilities I provide guest lectures in a variety of classes and offer the following courses as either in-class or distance education: ENT 212 (Basic Entomology); ENT 526 (Organic Production: Principles and Practices); ENT 726 (Biological Control); ENT 601/801 Seminars in: Insect Pathology/Biological Control (with Wes Watson); Teaching Techniques (with Clyde Sorenson). My research activities have focused on applied efforts in biological control, specifically the use and enhancement of arthropod natural enemies for pest management, and especially on organic farms.
Website cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/orr