Welcome Dr. Ray McCauley!
Dr. Ray McCauley, Turfgrass Extension Associate, will coordinate turfgrass extension and field research activities in eastern North Carolina and …
Job Description My program focuses on the etiology, epidemiology and management of diseases of turfgrasses.
Website turfpathology.ces.ncsu.edu
Dr. Ray McCauley, Turfgrass Extension Associate, will coordinate turfgrass extension and field research activities in eastern North Carolina and …
With Debby lurking off the SC and NC coasts, discussing what should be done in the aftermath is essential. …
With the rapid transition from hot and dry to hot and humid, yellow spots develop on cool-season grass putting …
Turfgrass disease diagnosis is challenging. Despite what many in the general public and maybe even within the industry think, …
I love the saying that Spring comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb. It says we …
Purple haze all on my bermudagrass putting greens. Lately, this turf just don’t seem the same. Actin’ funny like …
As the summer is coming to a close, except for 100oF temperatures in September, we are in the window …
Zoysiagrass rejoins with its brother centipedegrass after being released from winter dormancy, but the duo has just days to …